UFA Update – January

15 Jan

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube users – take a look for SeaAlliance and sign up and spread the word on their posts in support of sustainable fisheries.

The next UFA Board meeting is February 15-17 in Juneau. Meetings are open to UFA ... Read more »

Agenda for Gillnet Task Force

11 Nov

The Gillnet Task Force Agenda is set for December 1st at 9:30 am in Wrangell at the Wrangell Fire Hall. All Gillnetters are invited to attend. The meeting changes location from year to year to accommodate fishermen in ... Read more »

UFA Update

8 Aug


  • UFA Endorses Lisa Murkowski for Reelection to U.S. Senate
  • GET OUT AND VOTE – August 9 begins Absentee, Early Voting … Act now to vote absentee if you will not be home to vote on election day Aug. 24!
  • State Fights Federal ... Read more »

USAG Mid-Summer 2010 Update

23 Jul

A few summer issues … USAG is still following the Sealaska Lands Bill.  We have been actively engaged with United Fishermen of Alaska to make sure our concerns are well represented.  The bill is expected to be formally adopted in ... Read more »