Humble Requests and News

22 Aug

Request #1: We NEED PHOTOS of YOU! We are updating the USAG website and especially need photos of families fishing. GRAB YOUR PHONE AND TAKE SOME PICTURES. Before your kids go back to school, let’s see them on the ... Read more »

Transboundary meeting, F&G announcements and more

8 Aug

Last Thursday, I attended the Transboundary Partner Dialogue meeting in Juneau with Lt Governor Byron Mallott and roughly 65 representatives around southeast. It seemed folks were pretty much on the same page with USAG’s key concerns of habitat/water-shed protection, the ... Read more »

Run-over Net Course of Action

18 Jul

The following is a suggested course of action in case your net gets run over while fishing.


1. Talk with the vessel’s captain who damaged your net if possible. Tell him or her that you ... Read more »

Mining News

21 Jun

RED CHRIS. The Red Chris Mine in the Iskut-Stikine watershed received its Canadian permits last week to start mining gold and copper. This is a very controversial project partly because the mine’s operators, Imperial Metals, also operates B.C.’s Mount Polley ... Read more »